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[플레이리스트] 토마스 메이휴 본문

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[플레이리스트] 토마스 메이휴

습작하면리또마스 2023. 10. 23. 04:12


Carter Vail - Melatonin



Now Jane
Standing over in her nightgown
She's got the phone cord twisted ring finger
She's a sight to see
See jane
Why you staring out the window
With the red eyes tell me his name
That got you tangled up


Now Jane
She's a lover like a pipe bomb
She's got the pink sunglasses high heels
Gonna walk it out
Now Jane
Whatchya doing in the backseat
I always thought you were a front seat
Cadillac burning up the town with us


She said you feeling all right
Cause you look like hell
I think I'm doing just fine
As far as i can tell


Well its just so easy
When everybody talks so carefully
But you're my melatonin daydream
Pretend you don't but you know
You know you know
That they all want you
Theres nothing else you really can do
And if you could you wouldn't want to
Oh i know


Now Jane
Where the hell did all your friends go
They got a job in the city and a kid
Used to be so close
You remember what you told me
When we were standing in the bathroom,
Midnight baby we were so messed up


You said well you can be mine
I wouldn't mind being yours
I wouldn't take up your time
And i could sleep on the floor


Well its just so easy
When everybody talks so carefully
But your my melatonin daydream
Pretend you don't but you know
You know you know
That they all want you
Theres nothing else you really can do
And if you could you wouldn't want to
Oh i know
